Founded in 2014 in an attempt to provide a means to obtain true POV footage during sports activities wearing a full face or vented helmet. Finding other mounts cumbersome, poorly positioned, and unsightly, SoPro Mounts was an effort to provide ease of use, with universal integration regardless of helmet manufacturer and/or rugged performance.
This product will be beneficial for any person capturing footage of there activities using a GoPro® while wearing a full face or vented helmet. Compatible with all GoPro® cameras.
Mounts are hand crafted from aircraft grade aluminum, abs plastics, nylon webbing, and neoprene foam. They will fit any make of full face helmet and provide optimal pov perspective with vibration dampening.
Check out our SoPro Mounts in action by visiting:
How To Install
- Mould the system around the face of your helmet
- Adjust the strap around inside of helmet and through cam buckle and fasten securely
- Re-adjust strap and re-tighten each side as needed while improving mould
- Attach camera to j-hook and then slide into base plate until a click is heard
- Place excess strapping through retaining elastic to get it out of the way
- Consider tethering camera to additional fixed point on helmet to prevent loss